How to Stay Physically Active While Working from Home

How to Stay Physically Active While Working from Home":

Working from home has become the new norm for many of us. While it offers the comfort of not commuting and being in your own space, it also reduces our day-to-day physical activity. Here are some tips to help you stay active and maintain your physical health while working from the comfort of your home.

1. Create an Active Workspace

  • Invest in a Standing Desk: Standing desks can help reduce the risks associated with prolonged sitting. Even alternating between sitting and standing can make a significant difference.
  • Keep Exercise Equipment Handy: Have some basic workout gear like resistance bands, a yoga mat, or hand weights near your workspace. This makes it easier to squeeze in a quick exercise.

2. Incorporate Movement into Your Routine

  • Set Regular Breaks: Use a timer to remind yourself to take short breaks every hour. During these breaks, stretch, walk around your house, or do a quick workout.
  • Walk and Talk: During phone calls, walk around your home or even outside if possible.

3. Integrate Exercise into Your Workday

  • Desk Exercises: There are numerous exercises you can do right at your desk, such as leg lifts, seated stretches, or even desk push-ups.
  • Lunchtime Workouts: Utilize your lunch break to engage in a more extended workout session. This could be a home workout, a yoga session, or a brisk walk.

4. Stay Mindful of Your Posture

  • Good Ergonomics: Ensure that your workspace is ergonomically set up to promote good posture. This includes having a supportive chair, keeping your screen at eye level, and ensuring your keyboard and mouse are in comfortable positions.

5. Create a Routine and Stick to It

  • Schedule Your Workouts: Just like any other important task, schedule time for exercise in your calendar.
  • Set Goals: Having clear, achievable fitness goals can help keep you motivated.


Staying active while working from home is essential not only for your physical health but also for your mental well-being. By creating an active workspace, integrating movement into your routine, and being mindful of your posture, you can maintain a healthy, active lifestyle while enjoying the benefits of working from home.

Your health is your wealth, so let’s make movement a part of our workday!

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